Eternal Flow of Life
When we least expect it, all of our dreams and hopes may be answered in an instant.
The universe is an extraordinary work of art when we join our intentions with it's pure rhythms, cycles, and outpouring of energy.
If we have within us purity of heart, and that faith which is truly divine, all of our desires will be met in due time.
Whatever we wish for, if not currently present in the universe, will be created for us.
Whatever it is our hearts may be calling for, there are answers offered and delivered. Should we have the good sense to listen and watch intently, along with the vision to realize when our answers have arrived, they shall be ours.
For love and abundance of all things dance around us each day like waves of an energetic light show, revealing their presence with grand announcement. One must use sight beyond the basic senses to fully identify and indulge in their rich rewards. Ours is simply to give some and receive some, share some, and leave some. All the while, respecting it in all of it s magnificence and never underestimating these universal powers.
Here now, with this painting I offermy
portion of Love and Abundance of Spirit to you, an extension of my soul to
yours. May the inner peace and discovered channel of unending flow of positive
energy be yours. May it flow to you like a fountain with no end. My wish for
you is the undying acknowledgement of yourself as Spirit, always able to heal
and thrive, with love and life. -Andrew