Spiritual Training

(spir' it) n. "Of the spirit, or the soul; as distinguished from the body, mind"

"Life, will, consciousness, the all perfect reflection of God in you."

"A complex system greater even than our anatomical design, embodying eternity in every cell of our biological makeup." -Carolyn Myss, PhD.


Fitness is religion. Success in meeting your goals requires consistency. You have to be strong in heart and soul to fully realize this dimension of holistic fitness. Consider this… Meeting your fitness goals requires consistency. Consistency comes from confidence. Confidence comes from faith. True and enduring faith comes from connecting with and understanding your Creator or higher power. You need to strengthen this connection to succeed in this arena, as in all endeavors of your life.


If you build upon a false or 'easy' foundation you'll find the results are only temporary. Your body and your life are special, unique creations that require the same levels of thoughtful planning, attention, and maintenance as in the construction of a home. MackeyFit will teach you how to draw from your inner strength and eternal energy to push beyond obstacles and hurdles and ascend to your personal level of optimal fitness.

The beauty of it is that by realizing and accepting these key principles into your own life, you'll see that fitness is about much more than having a perfect body, or creating aesthetic, fleeting beauty. Physical beauty is passing. The self confidence, emotional, spiritual, and mental well being that is uncovered within you awaken the potential to achieve any goal, anytime...

I encourage you to make your fitness leap of faith. To enjoy and complete the journey, and to transform yourself from the inside out.