rei' (meaning 'universal' or 'spiritual')
and ki (Chinese qi, meaning 'energy' or 'life
Definition: Reiki is deep relaxation brought about by
increased contact with divine energy, from which we receive more than
we could through normal circumstances. It is the art of channeling
life-force energy.
5 effects of Reiki
1) Brings deep relaxation
2) Dissolves energy blockages
3) Detoxifies
4) Supplies healing, universal life-force energy
5) Increases the vibrational frequency of the body
The real solutions to lifes challenges lie within oneself.
Recognize and remove the inner causes of your life problems and your
vitality will develop respectively.
Life is an interplay of yin and yang.
Laws of evolution further our development through the confrontations
of life.
Being conscious, alive, and sensitive, allows us to respond to life
with the least amount of resistance coming back at us.
Use the movements, forward energy, of your environment to propel yourself
back into harmony.
Massive incentives for development such as serious illness, accidents,
or other blows of fate are not necessary.
For the easiest learning, one should be free from blockages, so that
this all important sensitivity may thrive.
Reiki energy helps us adjust to the inherent changes of our time.
The Reiki recipient draws in the amount of energy he/she
needs to take in.